A downloadable game for Windows

DISCLAMER: This game is currently under early development, everything here is subject to change.

Frame Data: Mech Arena is a fast paced, one on one, mecha arena fighter, where you're pitted against an array of unique and opposing mecha called Frames. Movement is crucial for victory in the arena and so is your choice in weapons and abilities, that show your true potential as a Frame pilot.
Wishlist on steam to support the official release:

Keyboard Controls:
Fire - I
Reload - R
Ability - O
Melee - P
Dash - Spacebar/Left Shift

Fire - Right Trigger
Reload - Left/Right Bumpers
Ability - Right Face Button
Melee - Left Face Button/Left Joystick Button
Dash - Bottom Face Button


FD Shipping 0.0.4v2.rar 400 MB
FD Shipping 0.0.4v2.zip 431 MB

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